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Akademiet Norge AS is Norway's largest company within private schools for upper secondary education. As of 2022, the company manages 14 private upper secondary schools, eight private schools, 2 secondary schools, 1 primary school and a separate online school.


I have worked as an in-house designer at Akademiet Oslo from 2019 - 2022. Below you will find some of the marketing material created during this period.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
Skolekatalog 2020-2021 Engelschiøn
Skolekatalog 2019-2020
Åpen dag vår 2020_Engelschiøn
Hospitering høst 2019_Engelschiøn
Corona floor sticker_ engelschiøn
Picture by
Entrance illustratiwon_ Engelschiøn
Entrance _Engelschiøn
Entrance details_ Engelschiøn
Avis reklame Akademiet vgs_ Engelschiøn
Roll up og gatebukk for Akademiet privatist Oslo_Engelschiøn
Floor signs_ Engelschiøn
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